Frage von elmorongas:
hallo freunde film ...
have now been two months jvcgz-hd30 and am with the film quality is absolutely einverstanden.sie in both formats very well.
now ... the fact most filmmakers want their course material in the best quality at some point to burn dvd and watch on the tv ...
because I am a newcomer in the filmerei, I have many of the first major new
versions of video editing programs through testing (corel, magix, cyber link, pinnacle, etc.)
Conclusion: High-quality lossless formats for both after the edit and burn ... at all ... videobearbeitungsprogs :-(
I then tried it with nero8 and function of the "smart encoding" as
preset during the editing ...
The results were very good, AVCHD /. mts was directly with one hundred percent and processed without loss of skilled and mpeg2-ts /. tod,
naja still with about 75% of the original quality ...
Now I am looking for specialists who are encoding with the subjects very well and I know this may still give tips ... and which would be ...
1.warum warrior when I create a AVCHD with. Mts dates partout song with no title to the Start menu, dvd ... have tried several formats song .....
they are in the nero vorschau Although synonymous still playing, after the burn but no longer exists ... to create a "normal" but the dvd goes smoothly ...
2.wer WOB knows there are now other programs already exist, the
"smart encoding" dominate and a very good endergeniss in bringing hd video editing ....
I am still grateful for good general tips, the processing of the above files are concerned, it sometimes pass halt for hours after the Google news without having something really useful here is ....
so beautiful and yet the first day gruss .... elmo ...
Antwort von Daigoro:

The whole issue is extremely confused.
What DVD do you want to create?
a) "DVD Video": Standardaufloesung - nix HD MPG2, runs on most standard DVD players.
b) "data DVD": the only copy the files to the DVD, runs on most standard DVD players or only on certain file
c) "Mini-BluRay disc": in principle BluRay disc in small - running on some BluRay player (or PS3), but not on normal DVD players.
Instead of tens of Programs by trial and error to carry out "test" without knowing exactly what we do (the button is called I think "smart coding if possible" and usually does garnix if the video is not done with delivering certain parameters), perhaps better isses to one to concentrate, because the instructions and read through some terms and parameters to be understood before one makes further.
Antwort von elmorongas:

Daigoro @ ...
sorry if you did not understand me ...
I am ES 1 to create an AVCHD disk with nero8 .... and especially since the insert pieces of music in the menu creation for the film ...
it works just do not know and perhaps why a yes ...
in the nero help instructions say there is nothing drüber okay ... ..
nero is synonymous now with the only program where I work .... okay ...
also here is the demand for other smart encoding programs and the latest advances in processing of hd files with the highest quality ...
gruss elmo ....
Antwort von jazzy_d:
I think Corel / Ulead DVD Movie Factory + HD-Pack and CyberLink PowerDirector can quite well.
Antwort von elmorongas:

@ Jazzy_d ....
thank you for the tips ....
gruss elmo ..
Antwort von Daigoro:

also here is the demand for other smart encoding programs and the latest advances in processing of hd files with the highest quality ...
Smart Encoding means that the film if he's already in the correct format with the correct settings are not available new anymore rendered.
To do this you need to know in what format and with what settings (data rate, level, etc.) and your film is available on which format you want to bring the disc (or need to, because the standard says so, because when it's all about a standard there .. " AVCHD disc "tell me now ... not much can still ne data DVD with AVCHD files, or a" mini BluRay disc ").
Even if both the "AVCHD" is there are more than enough variables, which vary and may require a recalculation.
Even the smallest change results generally a recalculation.
The "one click and done" Programs do just so happy, as if everything fits, you do not show all parameters, offering non-standard compliant options are not everywhere and expect you to run in the background all around. This is not really 'smart', that is pretty 'dumb'.
Antwort von WoWu:
Smart Encoding means that the film if he's already in the correct format with the correct settings are not available new anymore rendered.
I do not know if you is not with Smart Rendering confuse ... I know SMART encoding only as a synonym for VBR, in which the image content is analyzed and more complex frames bitrate is assigned, as less complex frames.
So, with an unchanged, the highest possible quality encoding SMART has nothing to do and so "smart" is now synonymous VBR not.
(In any case, Apple defined the term above)
Antwort von Daigoro:

Oops, yes, it can be.
Or the use of the terms is not entirely consistent - would not be synonymous for the first time (with Nero vermeine-I remember that it prevents the recalculation, if the file is already standard).
Variable bitrate? Hm Even as a topic ... especially in the consumer area, where the Ausgangsbitraten quite low.
Antwort von elmorongas:

hello, and sorry for the late message ... was a few days on ...
so, and many thanks for the great answer, I'm not a long with her as far as the matter of the video, but after getting and after a little insight into the connections ...
well, the topic up again, I do look at my favorite format AVCHD finds ..... the camera is called the data. mts .....
until a few days I worked with still had nero8.3 and since the problems with the paste of mp3 songs into the menu .... but there was still the smart encoding enabled and got a 400MB
mts video file is then re-render without the full 400MB on a disk output .... the result is really really good picture on the tv .... incidentally, I do play on my blueray player, as the AVCHD disk does not of my dvd player play ....
so now I am on the last two days nero9.3 transition and was very surprised .... had the same 400MB file mts film reused, have created the same menu, smart encoding synonymous re-activate the mp3 song synonymous ins menu again .. ... before the burn nero showed me again the values of audio and video .... were back at 100%, which means it does absolutely nothing new to be rendered and the amount of data to disk AVCHD brenneden was even higher now than 400MB, jointly almost 900mb .... okay, because I just losgebrannt and the result was amazing ... bild quali on blue ray player synonymous tiptop and the menu was perfect ... the song was there with me and delighted. ...
So it is in any event, the smart with the encoding work, which is synonymous in the background as always happens, it is not new in any case rendered, this is so that everything Fatzer Ratz and finished the movie ...
If I predict times since the data input had to be rendered, it was synonymous displayed directly and mainly lasted quite long ....
Tomorrow I will do it again from the 400MB mts (ie hd flmdatei) times a normal disk with menu, which then just synonymous for other friends, the only regular dvd player that is playable ..
I am curious what times since before the burn for data input quantities, because this method must surely, in any case be rendered, since the data first so for normal dvd player kompartibel need to be made and so is probably synonymous to a somewhat lower final quality of expected as described in the first ...
naja, hauptsache friends and can be known precisely synonymous times the movies at home look at what we as a couple of days on hd cam recorded ...
So, I'll write again soon as my project has turned out very good .... and of course it would be synonymous if the popular video editing programs like Ulead or cyber link in a procedural encoding into what similarly good results erziehlt as nero9, because hd in the area is a loss of 50% (cybermonitor link) in the endquali no longer fit for you ... it's so slow somewhat synonymous spoils of good image quality and video editing programs, but cost a lot of money ...
as far as good and beautiful sunday s.alle film friends ...
gruss elmo ....
Antwort von elmorongas:

hi s.alle movies ...
here are a few principles that once the situation more closely schldern, maybe someone still reads with ...
So my jvc gz-hd30 is synonymous in hd on ... and although in the above-described formats ....
I myself do s.liebsten in the AVCHD format to burn me and then, without re-encode or render the film with 100% quality than AVCHD dvd, so called for the nero 9.2, with menu on .... and everything I so it naturally wants to have ...
these AVCHD dvd's can only be my blueray player to watch ... for me perfectly clear ... now my parents want to but a few times synonymous movies look like their golden wedding ...
so I read in the manual of my camera the mpeg2-ts format is not only better quality, because less comprimierung the data, but synonymous even easier to work ... and here lies the real crux of the matter ...
because I'd like my mpeg2-ts burn movies on dvd, then every time the movie data encoded before they burn ....
... result of significant loss of quality compared to the original film and the quality ... I do not understand it really .... from 400MB former film so fast times are only 200MB movies ...
I find that then grad course not simple or even better quality .... and I thought the mpeg2-ts no longer synonymous großartig rendered or to be encoded ..
Therefore, I hope I still like other tips hd camera owners here with their hd-mpeg2 files around and what results you get ....
so beautiful evening and continue to write so maybe a few more times as a ...
gruss elmo ... :-)
Antwort von domain:

... this AVCHD dvd's can only be my blueray player to watch ... for me perfectly clear ... now my parents want to but a few times synonymous movies look like their golden wedding ...
In my experience the quality of interested s.sich not, rather the content, it is mainly to see what ;-)
DVDs always have my s.die requirements and the beholder adapted from. Has always fit, no complaints.
You do not seriously believe that your quality synonymous ideas just any ordinary people are interested, the only PAL has seen.
This is where it completely wurst, after a few seconds they are inserted on the content and not on the quality.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Elmo
I do not know the format in which you put your original MPEG files did exist, but it was above the speech of synonymous SMART Encoding and that you expect that files are not modified.
Apple defines it in his white paper
"Smart Encoding":
(Page 4) as the VBR. (variable bit rate)
If your old files now are
constant bit rate, which would reduce the Filesize explain.
Antwort von elmorongas:

@ Wowu ...
So the hot origialdateien as already mentioned mpeg2-ts ...
and where the smart encoding settings you can choose whether or constant bitrate vbr preferred ...
it works with nero 9 But ONLY synonymous with the AVCHD files .... because roars so giga byte data film really affengeschwingigkeit through and finished the movie ...
mpeg2-ts at the time, because unfortunately, is encoded, much longer ... and then it's synonymous to poor quality ...
ultimately I thought this would be a rebound, so AVCHD would be hard to handle .... and now is mpeg2-ts complicated ....
gruss elmo shcönen evening .... and yet ..
Antwort von WoWu:

What are your original files from? If the CBR and Nero make it possible VBR and the parameters need only be adjusted? (max. and min. bitrate). With max of course never be more than your original bitrate, but perhaps that is too deep set min.
And the time is because he does 2-pass?
Antwort von domain:

.. I have many of the first major new
versions of video editing programs through testing (corel, magix, cyber link, pinnacle, etc.)
Conclusion: High-quality lossless formats for both after the edit ...
Already this is true for Mpeg2 times in any case. Pinnacle can smartrendern perfectly, provided that the original project specifications synonymous with the Rausrendern met. Applies probably synonymous for various other NLE.
The render time is slightly longer than the original duration of the video clips provided that all changed in the output for Hintergrundrendern prepared. Then there is no difference between the original and modified clips clips.
You go so ever, a priori, of false statements made.
Furthermore, as a conventional DVDs burned VOB files are no longer the quality of the original m2t may have is probably clear, Mpeg4 is old-fashioned and much more compressed.
Antwort von elmorongas:

hi .. so original file is mpeg2-ts with the extension. DEATH ...
more I do not know, sorry ...
nero and when I leave everything on auto, ie audio, video, bitrate and leave it to the setting synonymous n 'easier through faster "...
only with super resolution do I still have the hook, which should improve the resolution ....
so, then starts s.zu nero trankodieren and after about half an hour the dvd is ready ...
So, I just do not want to nag here, you can already watch on the player, that is synonymous not resent the bad results, just as I know the original quality and is therefore the best rausholen ...
I think synonymous, as the rule as written earlier, the others who do not know the original are quite pleased with quality of the machined,
and perhaps never would come out the original is much better, but I have known enough synonymous to know that I hd movies with me and then ask me why I would be in such poor quality überhaupt sowas have increased .... and could the I understand synonymous, because ultimately, the cameras cost much money and should be synonymous for a little more to offer than my cameras of 2005 or so ....
naja, synonymous as always, interesting times here were people who like me synonymous in this film and always mpeg2-ts/.TOD next researched and kept looking for solutions here and have perhaps have a bearbeitungsweg record for easier handling of fairly good results brought .... plays at the moment it did not matter whether or cut or whatever ... I will deal only with the purely rohdatein the pack in a program to s.anderen of the dvd rauskommt, nothing more .. :-)
and in such a way that I made my 400MB rohfilmdatei synonymous dvd get a 400MB and not 150MB, okay ...
I mpeg2-ts is now truly global novelty no more so it must be even better opportunities than mt nero give ...
gruss s.alle and bb .... elmo
@ domain .....
mpeg and then mpeg2-ts/.TOD (my camera format) are now as far as I have read two completely different things .... and with mpeg pinnacle may come so clear that I have never disputed, but I just mpeg2-ts with file extension. DEATH, okay ...
excerpts of "rubberduck":
TS (Transport Stream) is the stream format, which will be recorded and MPEG video and MPEG audio (or AC3 audio) contains. The TS-format is a multiplexed format, just not every player understands.
The standard approach is to first to demux the TS (ie video and audio into separate files to store).
Thus you can get MPEG files that only contain audio and video and as such can already be played.
and here for you to be another of "benschworld", my statement is based ....:
. TOD format
Hab mir few days before with a new cam bought, which as the output but only the. DEATH - format, which I neither with Magix Video deLuxe 2007/2008 nor Pinnacle Video Studio 11 opened.
While the files in. MPEG and rename it to me then watch, but not with the video editing programs open.
Antwort von domain:

naja, synonymous as always, interesting times here were people who like me synonymous in this film and always mpeg2-ts/.TOD next research and look for solutions to keep.
I cut yes the files as my HD40. M2t into Liquid. The. Tod files before I turn with a free extension renamer in one momentum. M2t to what Liquid is readable.
The Pinnacle would have to work really well, which is the same kernel as Liquid has (at least directly, but as. Tod in Vegas, Edius and Magix Pros).
The project characteristics must, however, 1920 * 1080 square set. And just as the files are then synonymous rausgerendert and without any loss of quality as. Mpg.
When I showed s.Freunde far, I turn with the DivX Converter 720p25 in order that many DVD player or burn it as a standard DVD, but with lower quality.
Antwort von domain:

delete ...
Antwort von elmorongas:

okay, so with the liquid7 and convert previously synonymous, I have already read, that would be synonymous again interesting for me, because I had at that time with pinnacle12 unfortunately not tried ....
werd me but in any case pinnacle12 it again and play the files in synonymous times. ... rename m2t searched quite why it should not go if in liquid works so ...
na, then I will let times surprising, as you describe it because, without loss of quality, but it sounds very good ...
thanks s.alle antwort ployers and gruss elmo ....
.... werd dann mal obs report went, okay .... :-)