Frage von he:
my new sony dcr dvd 403 E is the usb interface of my magic-video-software is not detected, because a FireWire port required.
what can I do?
In anticipatory ingratitude ....
Antwort von Markus:

because you can not do anything, weil .. see
FireWire FAQ">1st (b) Firewire or USB?
Antwort von Jan:

The best time to ask the thousands of desperate users who wanted the DVD camcorder to edit files without problems.
Using the search function SonyDVD 92 / 202 / 203 / rockers one finds many disgruntled users who searched for a way to edit their DVD files that I've had umpteen times eingeklingt synonymous (synonymous with a proposed solution with Magix's)
In short of me there are only 2 alternatives:
Endweder You are an experienced computer professional and have good knowledge with MPEG converters
Or do you own or are buying a good video program ¬ 300 upwards, that your Sony
Codecs'auseinanderhalten can own.
If the two can not apply and the desire for treatment, according to the 403 will give back or sell it.
PS: the software supplied with the 403 is not just for burning as a great DVD to edit something or to cut.
Antwort von he:

na klasse .....
I could throw up!
I 'I've beaten the whole weekend around the ears and .....
oh ... what the heck .....
I would prefer to keep my views olle panasonic ....
anyway .... very lovely, thanks for the honest opinions and tips ....
heul and whine ....
Antwort von Markus:

This has nothing to do with the Manufacturer, but with the recording format!
MiniDV = Good
DVD = bad
Why after many complain about, if it does not work with the DV editing to invest before the purchase but not five minutes to inform yourself on the Internet about the pros and cons of a particular format for your camcorder, or recording?
But here at slashCAM be found with the keyword "DVD camcorder" posts en masse, in which amateur filmmakers exchanged their new DVD camcorders have against MiniDV devices.
A (!) Example:
SonyPC1000 or DVD403? If an exchange is not synonymous for you a possible solution?
Antwort von Jan:

Yes since Mark is right, it looks at Panasonic with your worse from DVD camcorders. If you want to have the full Leistungsumpfang, you must use DVD Ram's. The process is even more difficult to deliver even Panasonic does not synonymous with the editing software with DVD VDR models, they point to the cut-in-the-camera feature.
I do not like the edit with the 2006 SonyDVD zb (105,205,404,405,505) is in Lieferumpfang Armor has a Nero burning software and DVD in the 405 / 505 is again the automatic editing program Picture Package 1,7.1 - (I believe they say the new version ). But I guess that will give it the same problems, I have to try someday if I find time.
The only usable DVD of Canon Camera's coming - the provide an editing program with (if one does not like has been synonymous lost)
With Magix I'd just like Sonynur very limited access.
Antwort von Jan:

Today I tested once the program of the DC 10.
The right editing program "My Roxy .." is only for Windows - no Mac forgives, there are still 2 more CD's (1x + 1x Mac Windows) in Lieferumpfang (Where large video software draufsteht) in there but only) Photo, Panorama Software. The entry-DC 100 DVD editing software does not provide "My Roxy" with, there is one, as in Pana and Sony.
The editing software is really a joke, it needs to be transferred only via USB, video format in VR, I could not transfer at all, so just put the DVD into your PC - this is not synonymous transmits only video mode data were available to me.
My films were finally rendered correctly - completely - even SonyDVD movies I could capture by Canon.
The editing program can, however, almost nothing, a little twist, a few effects latch or a couple of Articles. To create a usable DVD menu will be glad to buy Roxy Page sent to - a supplementary program!
I had tried once synonymous as the models get along, Panasonic wants to do, no data of Sony / Canon - Canon Sony - Sonymag Canon Sonymag Panasonic, Canon does not like Panasonic.
Everything understood?
And another tip for SonyDVD camcorder:
A colleague of my better computer technology is recommended
FlasKMPEG test the program - so you can indeed times, where you can download some codec's, my colleague said he could then edit the video with Magix, I could not check that yet.