Frage von Thomas Kraun:
Suse9.3 I clicked on the "tuner stream" running. Everything ok, but if I
recorded a song, a little terminal window with the following
xterm: Can not execvp streamripper: File or directory not found
Since I am the program "streamripper" not think, I
maybe found something that I've tried synonymous. In
~ / .streamtuner / config I have the line
command "xterm-e streamripper% q";
changed to
command "xterm-e streamripper-d / path% q";
command "xterm-e streamripper% q-d / path";
but both without success. Is this program not on the Suse9.3
No.1 DVD in the process or where is the problem?
Hopefully someone can help
Antwort von Christian Albers:

"Thomas Kraun"
wrote in news post
news: 435616af $ 0 $ 6090 $ ...
> Hello
> I have to Suse9.3 the "tuner stream" running. Everything ok, but if I
> A song recorded, a small terminal window with the following
> Text:
> Xterm: Can not execvp streamripper: File or directory not found
As you've probably not the program installed ...?
> Since I use the program "streamripper" not think, I
;-) Goodwill observed
> Maybe found something that I've tried synonymous. In
> ~ / .streamtuner / Config I have the line
> Command "xterm-e streamripper% q";
> Changed to
> Command "xterm-e streamripper-d / path% q";
> Or
> Command "xterm-e streamripper% q-d / path";
With the parameters a nonexistent program is called,
does not matter ;-) therefore synonymous ...
> But both without success. Is this program not on the
> DVD No.1 in the process or where is the problem?
The program is streamripper for you apparently not installed. My tip:
Review on the net or directly from SuSE to get an installation package to
there (rpm or tar.gz or what always synonymous). Install => happy.
Antwort von Günter_Hackel:
On 19.10.2005 11:47, Christian Albers wrote:
> "Thomas Kraun" wrote in news post
> News: 435616af $ 0 $ 6090 $ ...
>> Hello
>> I have to Suse9.3 the "tuner stream" running. Everything ok, but if I
>> A song recorded, a small terminal window with the following
>> Text:
>> Xterm: Can not execvp streamripper: File or directory not found
> As you've probably not the program installed ...?
Even Linux does not protect against folly not;)