Frage von schtieeef:
gutn tonight / tomorrow!
So I point you directly aufn. last time I tried to convert myself into the topic of codecs, read etc ... ask some one at the moment are open, for which I simply can find no satisfactory answer.
1. I got footage in h.264 "format" (<schon> filesize grows? or will the quality "deteriorated" in order to decrease the filesize and thus the average program of submitting a smaller file?
2. The Case with the. avi and. kontainer as mov-files I have not completely understood. ich habs so far we've always done:
- Added footage (of camcorders. Mts files) directly in premiere or after effects.
- Cut, edited, etc. ..
- Exported as unkompressed. Avi codec as: not selected
- The finished file with VirtualDub compressed, usually with DivX codec and multipass
has in fact synonymous, well worked satisfactorily so far ...!
In a few days I get an 7d for the disposal and would be reasonably well prepared when it comes to the cut.
The footage is from the 7d knows where I am. Mov files in h.264 format. how do I make it now "right" and with how best to use the results?
- I will shoot in 24p 25p and 50p 60p fullhd in 1280x720. Are about 12 minutes rohmaterial 4GB
I would like to know:
- First transcode (heist that?), If so in what? (WINDOWS! NO MAC: ()
- How to export correctly?
I tried to ask you, so here is my good and clear as possible to make, I hope it does not too ridiculous, but with my "dangerous" half-knowledge, I feel so probably not at! And please be understanding of my "beginner" questions, but I'm already through so many forums and read da gehts niee forefront of the matter, so I do not understand it really easy:)
Am responding on each, if they ask about the fit, grateful:)
beste grüße, schtieeef
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Compressed in H.264 MOV of my Canon digital camera I will cut easily with Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 and Pinnacle Studio 14 HD at appropriate project settings, of course. I edit the material natively, any trans codes are not as necessary.