Frage von cirE:
I had times when a problem. I want to import a PS file into Avid. but unfortunately I have no idea how I edit the alpha channel so synonymous that I get a transparent layer.
The Picture is a small logo (top-right to be) and that's it. Unfortunately, I see the logo and the rest is white ^ ^
In Title Tool I can not edit the File and Marquee is OK here in the net on it -.-
Thanks for your ideas and suggestions
Until then, the Jan
If we beat Argentina we are ... :)
Antwort von Screws:

Try the inverse of alpha ... at least here you have the adrenalin aufm export of adobe products always invert the alpha ...
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Just isses: Avid is the alpha channel just turned to Photoshop (which is actually correct).
Under PE210 there is a great tutorial relating to Avid / Photoshop and Alpha Channel - is really worth a visit and explained to understand.
Antwort von mkrawietz:

har har ... Thanks guys. I have noticed is synonymous. Always had a white Picture and LOGO was transparent ^ ^.
Well then I'll share my views ran there immediately.
Greeting - the Jan
Antwort von cirE:

argh, just got posted as a guest -.-
So I just tried this and it did not work. Did the alpha channel is inverted, but the logo is still transparent. solangsam I'm crazy here;)