Frage von wadik:
hi leute,
who can tell me why the matrox pharelia avpe so expensive even though only 128 MB because there are a lot of gforce but better and cheaper?
the problem what I did and why I ask is that you have rt x.100 and now wants me NEN kompetablen pc together and do not know whether it is worth so ne graka for so much money buy? what would you do? who can give me tips?
Antwort von nightworker:

Why is the new Audi TT as expensive obowlh only a 55 liter tank has.
There are cars of Mazda which are cheaper and have a bigger tank.
It is as if you compare a Porsche with 500PS with a load with 500PS.
... I think you savvy what I hinausmoechte. Solo says about the store from nothing.
Antwort von wadik:

Ahja ok but what exactly does the matrox so well? how far do they differ? the outer tank hehe
Antwort von steveb:

with the Matrox Parhelia (she is my own), it is possible a first-class 2D Triple Head (three monitors)-desktop magic. Thus a surface with 3860 x 1024 (for example) is distributed over three monitor. This helps particularly when working with multiple applications, each with its own unhd Monitor wants to provide. But ... for 3D applications like gaming, etc. ..... ..... Miep hands away. Why do not you try to look at the Matrox Page to entire features to fathom.
Granted ... you can synonymous with 2 of Nvidia graphics cards 3 monitors to address, but the quality of 2D Matrox is the "best" (imho).
Any questions ...?