Frage von flokre:
I'm an absolute novice, I have here is something imported and noticed that it does not have that much of the dvd keep generation, however, most threads were pretty old and I think it has perhaps done wiedermal ettwas:
my requirements:
I want to film in the regular and the videos on the pc archive quickly and easily.
therefore of the dvd is probably better choice.
However, it would deter me if it was not possible post there, as I occasionally read, and somehow can not believe it.
but it is synonymous with a dvd on it in the pc can play and scenes rushing curtail crossings design, music and inferior viell. slow motion effects (gibts sowas) Apply ...
such things I imagine
my choice is the sony dcr dvd 106e fallen (about 330 instead of 449 euros)
what do you professionals?
and apologized for the umpteenth thread on the topic
Antwort von Markus K.:

I've been casting on mini-DVD get delivered. Processing went very quickly because the clips with the individuals directly on Vegas could be imported included with every scene separation Chapter.
However, the picture quality is not just the yellow from the egg. No idea whether the man still at the Camera would be better off setting (eg, higher bit rate). I had the thing and get it delivered to me was that, especially the color was always quite agitated (like a flicker).
According to quickly edit DVD super because it is reading in real time saves, the image quality must be compromised, however (and in this mini-DVDs probably synonymous not fit so much on it).
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

You've got a few suitable models found.
Now you ask the professionals what they think about this?
The professionals are all stupid as you, because the use of all mini-DV!
Antwort von Markus73:
I'm an absolute novice, I have here is something imported and noticed that it does not have that much of the dvd keep generation, however, most threads were pretty old and I think it has perhaps done wiedermal ettwas: Since yesterday, has not done much, no ;-)
Antwort von znieh:

A DVD-Cam you take
s.wenn your convenience is important.
b) are not precise DV Editing want to do
c) no fear of the archiving searched
d) Image quality is not considered very important ansiehst (for example, has no plasma).
Heinz znieh =
Antwort von Peter06:

characterize the current dvd cams at all in mpeg2? or can be synonymous dv-stream?
synonymous've heard that you can only record 25min in piecemeal. nor is it?
Antwort von chmee:

DV Stream on DVD is certainly not alone because when DV 25MBit lies neither in Max.8MBit (SD VideoDVD) still Max.12MBit (AVCHD DVD as SonyUX1).
And yes, you can cut Mpeg2, picture exactly synonymous, but the computational work is very different than with DV. Ergo Cut makes no fun.
mfg chmee
Antwort von streetbiker:

first thank you for the (mostly) helpful answer
I try to ask more precisely to make!
dvds can be faster to the comupter play and then edit:
cut, with inferior music, ect übergangseffwekte?
I will simply uncomplicated film, and if I lust hab synonymous but have the opportunity to merge several movies ect ...
but in the rule, I only collect the raw material
how long can you record with MiniDV?
How long does it take and then on the play?
Antwort von Markus73:
dvds can be faster to the comupter play and then edit:
cut, with inferior music, ect übergangseffwekte? Faster yes, because the files are smaller and not in real time to dub them. Edit: This is DVD material is neither particularly good nor is it from the manufacturer so provided. It is advertised with: recording, a DVD from the camera and get into the player pure. A change comes not before!
That does not mean that it is not rudimentary but occasionally can be done. But if you look at the times from the technical point of view about what happens when an administration, it is almost contradictory, a cross-frame compressed MPEG2 file to want to edit. Reiner cut alone is not quite the issue in transition effects, then it's been much more difficult.
I will simply uncomplicated film, and if I lust hab synonymous but have the opportunity to merge several movies ect ... Then you'll need to set priorities: either uncomplicated Shooting (with DVD, but I believe that DVD are far less "straightforward" is, as one always tells the advertising), or good and easy workability and qualitative benefits (mini-DV) .
how long can you record with MiniDV? If you do not have Long Play mode is used, depending of the cartridge up to 80 minutes.
How long does it take and then on the play? Happens in real time: So 10 minutes Movie -> 10 minutes to play.
Antwort von Peter06:

überleg you may still synonymous disk recorder. is the same as dvd-recorder.
Antwort von Daigoro:

How long does it take and then on the play? The dubbing and its duration is really the smallest problem, because as easy as you imagine the DV editing, he is not.
Sure, with hard simply cut a few scenes together and little applause Music drunterlegen you can make in 10 minutes, but it looks .. not 'good' from.
Since you'll synonymous with high probability (if so now the desire is there) fast 'rauswachsen' and a bit more but want to edit.
I grade this weekend, one in the end only about 2 minutes long clip just so 'for fun' (I actually had the trial of a new editing program downloaded and wanted to see what everything is before me I's growth) is created and the locker has 15 hours to complete. :)
And I'm 'full amateur' films that I actually own more pleasure than ever any people my "works" to make available to ... enough when it's me gefaellt.
The 3 hours, the restore of the source material took garnicht there are synonymous and it really is not the problem. Da Camera and Calculator can easily run alongside and vacuuming or something. :)
And as has already been heavily compressed material for further processing is not really suitable.
Degree in terms of your desired 'slow motion' (Time shift - goes great with the Ulead MediaStudio because I had tested - synonymous looks very nice) you'll see too much ugly compression artifacts with fast movements, resulting from the slow playback speed to be clear.
Nochmals runterkomprimieren (in zb <1k/sek data for the Internet) has quite synonymous scheusslich effects, since the compressed material, so much s.Information missing is evaporated again. Because you get with higher raw material synonymous with the same end-the data significantly better Endmaterial.
Antwort von streetbiker:

thank you, now I'm really clever, thanks for your effort and patience ...
you gave me in the end the decision is made even more difficult, but well, now I have to go into me
a still
when I 1 hour MiniDV to pc games, the 13gb then, How long does it take then compress into a (for an appropriate archiving) smaller size? (1.7 pentium m, 512 mb ram, 60 gb hd)
Antwort von Markus73:
when I 1 hour MiniDV to pc games, the 13gb then, How long does it take then compress into a (for an appropriate archiving) smaller size? (1.7 pentium m, 512 mb ram, 60 gb hd) That depends very much of the settings of the encoder and of course the used hardware. To give you an example:
I am currently with an AMD Athlon 64 3200. In the (very good) settings, which in my Magix Video Deluxe (MainConcept encoder) is usually for output to DVD, I made the usual footage usually about a factor of 3-4, ie for 1 hour movie takes to calculate 3 -- 4 hours. But as I said, this setting provides high quality results and could be significantly reduced.
But believe me: this is in no relation to time spent in a thorough editing. You'll be much easier if you after many hours of editing finally read newspapers, watch TV or go out and can know that the PC is now the remaining work independently and you make him just a few hours, let alone have :-)
Antwort von Daigoro:

when I 1 hour MiniDV to pc games, the 13gb then, How long does it take then compress into a (for an appropriate archiving) smaller size? (1.7 pentium m, 512 mb ram, 60 gb hd) Unforgettable moments anyway, I would on the original volumes Archiving. Since you have all the material in the highest quality available and at 2-4 Euros per tape cost is not the world.
Your finished work (or simply the runterkomprimierten source files) to DVD to burn even takes his time. So 1-3 hours.
But that is synonymous ne thing that you can run unattended, while something else does.
Indeed, the then::)
But believe me: this is in no relation to time spent in a thorough editing. You'll be much easier if you after many hours of editing finally read newspapers, watch TV or go out and can know that the PC is now the remaining work independently and you make him just a few hours, let alone have :-) Good, fast and easy is not really. :)
The Filmerei is a very nice hobby that is very time when you synonymous only the slightest claim s.sein own mess to develop.
If your weekends are not s.Calculator with Filmschnippeln want (I usually film my sports - because I come on 20-30 clips 2-5 minutes per event - to which all viewed, sorted, cut, and titled DVDisiert, it is weekend and this is pure 'craft', there is still nothing 'artistic' in - if I then have a 'highlights' or trailer clip cut together, with backing music, etc. are 30-40 hours to grab deep) is a DVD camcorders may not be the worst choice.
It is then quite 'fix' (problems then again ne other question). If you then take your claims s.die Nachbearbeitbarkeit cut, so you will not necessarily unhappy, but Spielberg makes it no competition. ;)
Antwort von flokre:

best thanks again!
I habmich now decided, and for the aforesaid 106e sony dvd cam!
I have respect for your hobby, I find this fascinating synonymous, but for me it is too time-consuming, especially since I mainly want to get memories in what form is irrelevant because ...
thank you for your decision-making tools!
Antwort von Jan:

not long ago that was about the 106 and DVD camcorders:
Kaufberatung-reported-in-dvd-camcorder Much has not improved much, only two things maybe.
The 2007 versions of video editing programs, the company Magix, Ulead Pinaccle & operate more or less (crashes) safely.
And the companies have in their 2007 models, the Double Layer DVDs released Canon & Panasonic - Sony +. But you should note that these happy about ¬ 5 per item cost, then what ever 2 Mini DV cassettes with 60 minutes each are.
The other problems, different modes maze (VR & Video Mode), finalizing, SW problems with older programs, short recording time with normal DVDs, long waiting time when changing and recording (especially Pana), excessive noise rotary disc, etc. etc. are not deactivated.
I had only a week Kundin stress again, the sound of 7 programs could not be played, such as the VLC Player (All rounder) & Windows Media Player, it should not be cut - just viewed. On your camcorder, the sound was strangely good to hear. The problem was with 4 PCs. It was a model of Samsung.
Only when the DVD camcorder cheap & stamina (playing) DVDs offer (Sony - Blue Ray), then it might be better, but still it takes until 2008. Sonyist already hot s.Entwickeln ...
I recommend only DVD camcorder for tape hater, and the only people! the recorded DVD in DVD Player & Recorder want, and then only synonymous with the use of a device of a better company (VR - mode).