Frage von Adrian100:
Hi folks,
last time I've been super helpful and I hope now back on you!
Have a Samsung laptop and wants to R60plus on my plasma TV
Samsung PS 50 A 410
transmitted by radio.
How does it work?
Thanks Adrian
Antwort von robbie:

how much? what signal? what budget?
Antwort von Adrian100:

ca 3 meter
Signal? Therefore need not be hd
50-to 100 Euro?
Antwort von robbie:

3m .... Please take a cable.
Antwort von Adrian100:

Antwort von Markus:

Simplicity, price, stability, transmission, ... or is it more of a technical gimmick?
Antwort von Adrian100:

Yes it does matter to me just what I aufm laptop hab aufm plasma to throw
without large cables to seek out and adapter.
And of course the visual basic.
Is that so complicated?
Antwort von Markus:

Sorry, I wanted you not to come near. - Here you will find a possible solution:
VGA and DVI-Funk in full resolution (ideal for videos synonymous).
Antwort von Adrian100:

Why is too close?
I do not know how something works, therefore it may well be that it
is so complicated!
Is it useful or not?
Antwort von Adrian100:

So the price is so fierce!
As you can indeed get a second notebook and hide behind tv
and as the receiver used at the price!
I thought s.ein more simple stick inserted in the plasma and one in the laptop and done!
Or something like that!
there or not?
Thanks Adrian
Antwort von robbie:

Well, if the thing works stable, I find this not so bad.
I work with systems that are standard SD wireless video as a cost sender and receiver respectively to 10,000.
Funk is in ninth relation to what it brings it. And apart from the fact that such things are not cheap just see are reliable, I think that we should try anyway as high radiation exposure is not synonymous nor useless games purely to increase even more next.
a cable will cost you a fraction of it is pretty failsafe and certainly healthier.
I am of the opinion that funk for such things is nothing more than a silly gimmick, with perhaps the state wants.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The problem may be that no video of the Lap Singnal (Male Yellow) output.
Video / audio wireless transmitter, you can otherwise fairly good "used" for the targeted price on Ebay score.
As I rate but rather already Multimedia (external) hard drive ne small 2.5 "with 80GB and is good .... inch Multimedia Enclosure with tax and about 17 euros ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von robbie:

Video / audio wireless transmitter, you can otherwise fairly good "used" for the targeted price on Ebay score.
Aldi All these parts are the largest scrap and not even worth the plastic in which they are stuck.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So from what I have "Metal" will receive about 90 euros which are top ......
Can Freqwuenzen set via dip switches were different antennas, etc. ... I do not look after these things from Aldi
...... and this is now really no preference .... because his lap is no video output, it is synonymous to what is not helping.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Markus:
So the price is so fierce! I had fun again on the Internet compatriots. In other forums there is Prices between 300 and 500 ¬, when it comes to VGA / DVI-Funk goes.
The fact that so much more expensive than a home video piefige radio link, has a simple reason: The data set is much larger (Resolutionvon brightness and color, and higher frame rate) and signal impairments make clear and disturbing noticeable than with composite video images. Ergo, the serious nature of technology and its is not in the toy division to find as many Videofunksets.
Antwort von Adrian100:

This has indeed turned out to be more difficult as I had assumed!
In that case I will listen to you because to me that the effort is too big for the picture from the laptop auf'm plasma to get without cable.
Covered the next technology is already in today's Home Cinema and not the things are so expensive and complicated.
Do something because when I observed thick cable length or something?
Thank you
Antwort von robbie:

Do something because when I observed thick cable length or something?
So there are many different ways, especially in length. Since then it has become established as the standard that the cable is at least as long as of point A to point B. Shorter is usually bad. In your case from the point where your laptop is to your television, so long the cable should be minimum.
Sometimes offering to the cable even a little longer to buy for possibly a curve to be able to drive.
Usually, there are cable with 5 and 10 meters to buy. Which fits with you because we can not know.
Antwort von Adrian100:

Danke schön!
Give me your address then we discuss the exact!
Yours sincerely,
Antwort von WoWu:

Purchase Dir 's Apple TV because you can then synonymous Hd via Wi-Fi 802.11 on your plasma transferred.
$ 229 in the USA .... Plug & Play ... mal sehn need what these things cost in the UK.