Frage von 14866:
I'm looking for a DVD recorder, which records in real time.
Whether TV or other source (eg DVD recorder).
Is it synonymous recorder which recorded not burn, but as a file save? And the most important question: Can these files then somehow get on the PC? USB, LAN or something?
Thank you!
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Each DVD recorders, whether he is still an integrated hard drive as memory, or not, is (must be) in real time synonymous directly to DVD. The first models were burning directly to DVD. When the first hard drive models came out, one could if one wanted only to absorb hard drive and then edit his shots yet, so advertising rausschneiden, adding titles etc, before it is finally on DVD rausbrannte ...
Choose a model so what synonymous to hard drive recording, then you can see the first shots in peace process and then decide what comes to DVD.
That the recorded files to a PC should get, I've never heard synonymous is probably not possible. One can not with such devices to the PC for data link ...
Antwort von Quadruplex:

You should be a way for you to decide: Either you digitalisierst Your Videos s.PC - then it is only logical, synonymous the final DVD s.PC to burn. Or you use a DVD recorder - then you should see your PC out of the can.
If you do not have it: self-DVDs by the DVD recorder can be easily s.PC capture.
Antwort von 14866:

Actually, I do everything on the PC. Aufnehemen, cut DVD.
But now I would like it on a DVD recorder to make in order to save time, because I would now like a lot of VHS tapes gaaaaaanz digitizer. Just as AVI or MPG file to save, not cut or DVD, purely as a file.
And since there are many gaaanz, I thought I assume the same about 5 DVD Recorders neheme it as AVI or MPG in real time, and then copy it on the calculator.
Antwort von killerbees19:

You could up after recording all the clips and expand the HDD into an external USB enclosure stuck, but 1st then the warranty is gone and 2 it is a by no means negligible effort ;-)
MfG Christian
Antwort von 14866:

So in the way I presented it to me, just anstattat expand via LAN or USB with the PC and copy.
That would go but synonymous, right?
Provided of course, a DVD recorder that supports something;)
Antwort von killerbees19:

Hmmm, so I know so far none of the can. But it gibvt some hard disks with USB / LAN / TV connection, the files can play directly s.Television. Maybe a record of where synonymous, I know that now, unfortunately, not exactly.
MfG Christian
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Just as AVI or MPG file to save, not cut or DVD, purely as a file. I do not.
Provided of course, a DVD recorder that supports something;) Tut None.
You could up after recording all the clips and expand the HDD into an external USB enclosure stuck, but 1st then the warranty is gone and 2 it is a by no means negligible effort ;-) And thirdly, the hard disks of most DVD recorders from exactly this reason, an undocumented and / or encrypted filesystem and sometimes synonymous nor an unusual connection, so that just the fourth, unable to do so.
And since there are many gaaanz, I thought I assume the same about 5 DVD Recorders neheme it as AVI or MPG in real time, and then copy it on the calculator. Your time, I would have ...
Antwort von 14866:
Just as AVI or MPG file to save, not cut or DVD, purely as a file.
I do not.
Provided of course, a DVD recorder that supports something;)
Tut None.
You could up after recording all the clips and expand the HDD into an external USB enclosure stuck, but 1st then the warranty is gone and 2 it is a by no means negligible effort ;-)
And thirdly, the hard disks of most DVD recorders from exactly this reason, an undocumented and / or encrypted filesystem and sometimes synonymous nor an unusual connection, so that just the fourth, unable to do so.
And since there are many gaaanz, I thought I assume the same about 5 DVD Recorders neheme it as AVI or MPG in real time, and then copy it on the calculator.
Your time, I would have ... With this it should work, right? drive recorder 750GB HDD LAN USB_W0QQitemZ170319468619QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDE_Elektronik_Computer_Computer_Festplatten? Item170319468619 hash = & _trksid = p3286.c0.m14 & _trkparms = 72% 3A1229% 7C66% 3A2% 7C65% 3A12% 7C39% 3A1% 7C240% 3A1318
Antwort von Quadruplex:
With this it should work, right? This is not a DVD recorder. What do you think now? Should s.Ende a DVD or do you want the videos only on hard drive have?
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Habs but I already said above: No DVD recorder supports sharing of files on your PC.
If you have video files so urgent and vital to your PC, then forget the DVD Recorder History and closing your VCR via analog-digital converter (if you value good quality lay, there should be no cheap Grabber TV-BOX be) s.deinen PC s.and take the videos there. Then you have your nice videos as DV-AVI on your PC and can (good to hear) even with the editing program and edit the videos as Creme de la creme, you can ultimately synonymous still burn to DVD.
What you have a DVD recorder (with hard drive) are looking for is not entirely clear to me, because your shots are so desperate to want to have the PC ...
PS: And do not worry: The PC is synonymous only in real time. With some editing programs synonymous directly in real time on DVD (like the DVD recorder). I s.davon rate but, because processing of the material in the editing program is always better, you will see your VHS tape does not start and stop can be that you have an unedited version rumkommst ...
Antwort von MK:

I've a project for a DVD Recorder with Time Code Mitlaufkopien of Digital Betacam uses ...
From the workflow and the absolutely humble and DVDs to reproduce has an X-fold longer and was qualitatively worse and if I like the recorded data via SDI itself encoded and burned to DVD did ....
Antwort von 14866:

@ Quadruplex next as described above, I need ONLY the video files (no preference whether MPG or AVI, but AVI preferred)
@ JMS Productions Why not I with the PC wants to make? Because I simply do not have time to.
Because with a PC, I can only record video at once.
Sure, with a DVD recorder synonymous, but rather, I have 7 ~ 8 recorders are around than 7 ~ 8 PCs;)
I want to about 2,500 VHS tapes digitizer. Not on DVD, but as a file.
Short bill: 2,500 cassettes with an average of 2 hours would be 5,000 video hours. If I 10th Working hours s.Tag / record would then be at 500 days!
Thus, and with 7 ~ 8 recorders would be the time drastically shorten but theoretically, is not it?
As would be funny but the multimedia speakers of eBay but ideal, or not? But have no experience with those things.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
@ Quadruplex next as described above, I need ONLY the video files (no preference whether MPG or AVI, but AVI preferred) Why you'll start of the DVD recorders on?
As would be funny but the multimedia speakers of eBay but ideal, or not? But have no experience with those things. Certainly a possibility. What in practice, suck - schau Dich times after appropriate test reports in the network or to s.Kiosk. It must, however, nothing of his eBay - similar things, there's synonymous with the price elsewhere. It is important in any case that your boxes in a reasonable quality video digitizer can. That would be either DV-AVI or MPEG-2 with high bitrate (around 12 Mbps).
And given the amount of tape you should consider whether the effort's and is worth the expenditure - if it's only feature film recordings are, I would like to have on DVD care. If course material is what you do not get in the store, looks like different ...
Antwort von 14866:

There are just all unique ...
Sure it does not need the things of his eBay.
I would prefer it as synonymous DV AVI want.
Well, and because of practical experience and test reports I have written here:)
Maybe not the beginning of s.ganz clear what I meant, but I think slowly the skin is already out;)
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Sure you save "something" s.Zeit if you get 5 DVD Recorder buy. Then synonymous but note that VHS-DVD combo units are, because otherwise you need synonymous for 5 separate VHS recorder to the s.deine DVD / HDD recorder adapter ... If the financially synonymous no problem for you, then this path is not, of course, absurd. Note however that you are good synonymous Recorder buy, the cheap parts from ALDI / LIDL make, not later than the final quality apparent (which is synonymous of course a matter of subjective quality perception is)
Quadruplex As already mentioned: whether the effort, the effort and especially the financial expenditure really after with the outcome of your production to cover? For me questionable ...
At this multi-media box, I can say nothing.
Hab mir mal read the Ebay contribution. So is virtually a tape recorder with hard drive. During the recording will be equal to the desired format ... However, as the codec of the plate is the other question ...
How do you want your video files dadrauf get then? The only thing I could imagine would be: You have this plate 5 then s.jeden your recorder? (with composite cables or if Supports S-Video) and the recorded file from the recorder can play, this hard drive while they are recording. S.Ende What you actually have no time saved, because that is synonymous not play in real time ... In addition, you take synonymous nor a double loss of quality in the purchase, because first compresses the DVD / HDD recorder and your recording then this is again of this Ebay harddrive done ...
The step with the 5 recorders is useful that you have the VHS tapes digitized you faster, but this off on Ebay this plate makes it back then because you have failed multiple video files simultaneously it off, but only 1 in succession.
Because as far as I am aware, there are HDD recorder with USB output, this can only JPG and MP3 files. Video files of the internal hard disk recorder can not and does not in any way via the USB cable to copy other storage medium. The manufacturer of these devices do not seem to want to ...
So you can equal the PC story take time so you would have saved at least not unless you can files on your 5 HDD recorder;)
Antwort von 14866:

The funny multimedia speakers have a LAN connection!
My idea (or desire;) was: the films in real time with "something" record, and then out of there, on a PC to copy it.
Whether this is now DVD-HDD Recorder Irgendwas, this is me, in principle, no preference. It is important to me the time factor. And of course the quality.
Money and investment is so ne thing that I would be willing 2.000 .- euros to invest, because then I can so when the devices are still eBäy sale.
(With luck again even for 2,000 .- Euros;)
Antwort von JMS Productions:
The funny multimedia speakers have a LAN connection! No, I do not talk of the strange boxes. Thus, it is no problem of your files on the PC to get. Be it with the LAN connection or via USB or FireWire.
The point is that it would be useless to you 5 of the DVD / HDD recorders to pick because you s.Ende (see my last post) NOTHING s.Zeit saved when you throughout your recordings on your s.Schluss anyway " comical 'box want, you know? If you want to use this box and your shots out there would like to have, then you need no 5 DVD / HDD recorder, because you get every single video only with real-time on this strange box. Which means:
You can theoretically equal to the purchase of a DVD / HDD recorder and immediately renounce your VCR directly s.die Box? and one after another all in real time on your 2500 recordings this box to play.
And that means so much again: You can get this comic synonymous same box and save the same VCR s.den PC? and your shots out there to play each other. (in real time, of course)
Qualitatively (which you so very much value lay) the PC would be the best story possible, vorrausgesetzt you used to digitize grabber no cheap box, but what high-quality, such as an analog-digital converter of Canopus. Since you are ready, even 2000 ¬ to spend, the ADVC-300 (Canopus converter) for almost 400 ¬ locker drin ...
In summary: The use of these "funny box" makes your time saved by 5 DVD / HDD recorder away, because you each video file on your 5 HDD recorders individually and in real time on this strange box have to play. (What would be the same as if you have all your 2500 VHS recordings individually and directly into the PC would restore)
Do you's now, what I mean?
Either you buy just 5 of these HDD recorders and save "some" time to have the files but always on the 5 recorders distributed (it can not exceed either rausbrennen all on DVD, which you then had 2,500 DVDs),
OR you have just a lot of time and bring all the tapes individually and successively to restore (for best quality using ADVC converter and PC) and have your 2500 videos as DV-AVI files to one or more external hard disks, they can either synonymous (in much better quality than with the recorder) to 2,500 DVDs rausbrennen
AND searched the files at the same time future-proof in DV-AVI format archived!
What is you now prefer?
Do you understand now the problem? Better ichs you now can not explain more ...
Antwort von jazzy_d:

2500 VHS cassettes with let's say each is 1.5 hours in DV-AVI around 50 terabytes (~ 13GB / h). Let's say 100 euros per Terra is 5000 Euro. Ever thought?
DVD recorder makes very good Qualli on 4.7GB DVDs, synonymous with more than 1.5 hours. 2500 blank DVDs, maybe not the cheapest, so come around 2500-4000 euros.
I do not really understand what you are because with 2000 euros to do. And I do not think that DVD recorders with hard disk anything other than mpeg2 (in video-DVD standard) on the hard disk recording.
Here, the dog bites himself well in the tail. Tricky thing.
Antwort von 14866:

@ JMS Productions - OK, apparently I could still not as good across what I want and how I want it to:
So, I want ONLY the VHS tapes to my PC, get ready!
The fast course and good quality.
Whether this is now on PC or any what-ever-synonymous recorders, I totally no preference. The only important thing is that the videos at the end on my PC, and not just in 2 years;)
What is wrong: The videos with the multimedia record boxes, and then on the PC to copy?
@ Jazzy_d - The memory problem is of course synonymous nor in space: (
The 2.000 .- Euro, only for the dubbing facilities provided or planned, not for archiving. Because the 2,000 .- euros yes again, I will (hopefully) for the most part, can bring back, in which the devices I want to sell again afterwards.
Antwort von Wolle2002:

have a Philips DVD recorder with hard drive 80, not six months old. Interested?
Antwort von 14866:
have a Philips DVD recorder with hard drive 80, not six months old. Interested? If it is good for my purposes - then yes,
aaaaaber next, according to the above contributions, it is unfortunately not the case ...
Antwort von newsart:

Hello, We have something with 5000 Betacam SP shooting to 90 minutes already made. And so: Canopus hardware encoder analog-to-Wire Fire. Competent PC. Capturing of 6-Wire Fire streams simultaneously. Recording on a RAID5. After some configuration and test days, the machine ran for several months in a three-shift operation flawless. Use only tapes and hard disks after plugs.
We have the solution yet. If you prefer to hire want to ...
Antwort von 14866:

instruct less, but I would buy it gladly.
What is there like?
Antwort von thos-berlin:

@ newsart
What software have you captured?
Antwort von JMS Productions:

So, I want ONLY the VHS tapes to my PC, get ready!
The fast course and good quality. Your concern is / was obvious to me;)
What is wrong: The videos with the multimedia record boxes, and then on the PC to copy? * sigh * Good, then do so now wirs rum: Describe Just as you proceed with this Multimediabox would. You have a VCR (meinentwegen synonymous 5), but s.die Box can only be
ONE device?. The same is true for 5 HDD DVD recorders, because that just behave like a VCR. There is no question that you have your videos easily on this box and you will get this box of synonymous to the PC (no subject). But what is saved with your time?
Describe just how you proceed with this box would. Perhaps you will even come to the time-saving problem ...
If you've been somewhere that you are sadly synonymous with such a Multimediabox
only one data stream simultaneously capture (record) can, then you will find that this box is wonderfully suited to bring your recordings on your PC to get (what you think yes want, thanks to the LAN or USB port), but will just note that you have for the transfer to the box as long as needed, if you like any video individually and sequentially from the VCR into the PC to restore the
DA this box, as so often mentioned, yes only
ONE data stream can absorb at once!
Is it clear
now? Then you will say: "Yes, man, but I will save time and not every single one after another to restore the tape." So a solution, which makes it possible, multiple data streams simultaneously to process and record ...
And that goes with the solution that they "newsart" described.
THEN you have saved time. With the Multimediabox not. Which serves only to you, your recordings on the PC to bring ...
Addendum: For the capture of 6 FireWire streams, however, the software as the PC is really synonymous to TOP!
Antwort von 14866:

@ JMS Productions - Now we come even closer to the thing! :)
Obviously, I meant that I have
several boxes and
several multimedia DVD recorder or player would buy. And then of course while laufenn leave. Ansließend, or between the data on the PC.
And so I would save time, right?
Antwort von newsart:

1. No, we want the system does not sell.
2. When we set the encoder ADVC3000 he
3. The software runs DV Capture of Canopus / Edius
4. As a calculator, we have 8-core Mac Pro on Windows in use.
External recording solutions, therefore, distinguished from, because the times of the data are enormous.
Antwort von 14866:

Thanks for the info Newsart!
I am now a bit durchgoogeln ...
Above all, price and procurement Technically.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

I have not read anything but the task I would synonymous
to the solution with the 5 VHS-DVD recorders with large harddisk guess ...
and check in advance what a good recorder mpeg2 quality and bring the hard disk where you can easily expand ...
once the hard disk of the recorder are full they are on an external harddisk .... what synonymous copied some hours per disk can take.
2000 VHS cassettes with around 3 hours in duration makes mpeg2 approximately 24TB s.daten
Thus, the persuasive s.ende Minster on 24-1TB external hard drive
which can then be s.jeden pc or mediabox ranhängen.
gruß cj
Antwort von weitwinkel:

ps. viel spass in the task and reports times as it went ...
Antwort von 14866:

@ Newsart
The 8-Core Mac takes about 2900 .- Euro what I have seen.
The ADVC3000 approximately 3,500 .- Euro.
How did you realize the
"Fire of 6-wire streams simultaneously" The ADVC3000 has only 2 Fire-Wire Connections. Or you can have a Fireware multiple streams simultaneously run?
Antwort von JMS Productions:
in the task I would synonymous
to the solution with the 5 VHS-DVD recorders with large harddisk guess ...
and check in advance what a good recorder mpeg2 quality and bring the hard disk where you can easily expand ... I think that's exactly the problem in this thread. First would be the guarantee of the recorder s.Arsch if the internal hard drive would expand, and secondly is probably the recorder or in an encrypted format, with what PCs can not read. Third, a hard drive recorder probably not to remove ...
Are you sure they can go? If the recording of a DVD-HDD recorder easily be obtained by simply removing the hard drive on a PC could be used, then you would get the same USB ports can affix s.den recorders, which the recordings via USB cable to the PC would can ...
The only reasonable solution for time-saving Multiple Beam seems to me the solution of "newsart" to be.
@ 14866: A Canopus ADVC-3000 will cost around 3,299 euros. See here:
Antwort von 14866:
in the task I would synonymous
to the solution with the 5 VHS-DVD recorders with large harddisk guess ...
and check in advance what a good recorder mpeg2 quality and bring the hard disk where you can easily expand ...
Are you sure they can go?
The synonymous, I would like to know:)
Antwort von weitwinkel:

Are you sure they can go? If the recording of a DVD-HDD recorder easily be obtained by simply removing the hard drive on a PC could be used, then you would get the same USB ports can affix s.den recorders, which the recordings via USB cable to the PC would can ...
jo to do it ... a friend makes the already quite a while with his DVD recorder ....
gruß cj
Antwort von 14866:

what is it for a dvd recorder exactly?
Antwort von newsart:

Only times to security: Obviously you need a stream per player (in this case, VHS Recorder) and per synonymous stream a hardware encoder.
Since in this case for composite signals is likely much cheaper synonymous Encoder (AVC100) suffice. We need to be components of signals or SDI signals leak.
But one way or another, it needs a separate stream for each encoder.
I have not synonymous claims that this is the cheapest alternative, but those who s.wenigsten time and manpower required. And if this into account, it is synonymous nor more advantageous.
When it comes to pure DVD playback goes, I would perhaps in fact 5 Media Markt Calculator and each buy an inexpensive card purely cut set. Synonymous But here there is the problem of data security. In continuous smokes synonymous times one or the other hard drive s.and synonymous VHS player-need at least care (Kopfreinigung. ..), if not service.
So the problem with larger amounts of material is in the detail and this is the reason why the encoding service synonymous still comparatively expensive.
Antwort von weitwinkel:
what is it for a dvd recorder exactly? I think that was a sony device ...
and it was an IDE disk in it, either in the ideport pack inside a computer or an external enclosure with ide connection looking ...
(gibts but barely) ...
gruß cj
Antwort von thos-berlin:

As I the solution of NewArt understand they have a similar player an AD converter and the software DV Capture of Canopus / Edius can be seen in multiple instances simultaneously so that each converter "its" own instance of the data-capture features.
With six simultaneous recordings are logically six converters á ¬ 3.500, - = ¬ 21.000, - is necessary.
Maybe yes rich application for the somewhat simpler converters, such as ADVC55 (inputs only) or ADVC100 (Bidirectional) or ADVC300 (bidirectionally with image correction (small tbc?)) Applications. The ADVC3000 is definitely designed for broadcast.
Would be important only that the firewire card in conjunction with the software involved the simultaneous transmission, which is priced quite reasonable, several firewire card installed in a PC ....
Antwort von 14866:

When it comes to pure DVD playback goes, I would perhaps in fact 5 Media Markt Calculator and each buy an inexpensive card purely cut set. Synonymous But here there is the problem of data security. In continuous smokes synonymous times one or the other hard drive s.and synonymous VHS player-need at least care (Kopfreinigung. ..), if not service.
The synonymous already floated me the whole time in the back of rum;)
5 VHS player
5 PCs
5 purely
1x monitor / keyboard switch
About VHS Zuspielerpflege I am only once not worry, because that would have 5 PCs in about 1,000 hours of operation. Sure, s.and to clean, and that's it.
Antwort von JMS Productions:

ps. I think the ide disk as it was either in the ideport pack inside a computer or an external enclosure with ide connection looking ...
(gibts but barely) ... Even. Had synonymous really surprised me, because then would have "14866" so it can do the same and the complicated history with multiple streams s.acta able ...
@ 14866 (based on "news arts' contribution):
I wanted to write synonymous, habs but then forgotten. The ADVC-3000 must not be to the ADVC-300 or 110 ranges from completely. (Hint: The ADVC-300 in Comparison to the ADVC-110 indivudelle Picture and Tonoptimierungseinstellungen. So I would rather take the 300)
It is true, however, what newsart says: You need for each stream its own playback device (DVD recorder), an analog-digital converter (ADVC-300) and a PC.
At 5 playback devices so you're at 5 ADVCs and 5 PCs.
Whether you are a value, just that you've saved some time? Stay up to you ...
Antwort von weitwinkel:

Canopus, the variant has the disadvantage that s.ende a VHS tape recording is not the car stops ....
gruß cj
ps. with 13gb avi / std garnicht one should begin with these quantities must be available in mpeg2 with 4gb/std scanned in good quality, otherwise makes no sense
Antwort von newsart:

14866: You had excluded several top next Calculator to purchase, but for pure VHS conversions would be the most economical option. Perhaps we should then have a central data storage (NAS via fiber) to think and operate in RAID5.
And on a sound in the room air conditioning and earplugs for the tapes changes ...
Antwort von JMS Productions:
Canopus, the variant has the disadvantage that s.ende a VHS tape recording is not the car stops ....
gruß cj Yet. At the very least makes my ADVC-300 so. Once the video tape the picture signal is lost (whether by the end of the tape or spaces), recognizes the ADVC the "snow" and interrupts the recording immediately. This feature has both advantages and disadvantages. A disadvantage is that gaps in image immediately stopped the recording, although I do not want, even if it is only a few seconds to act. This should be with an ordinary eliminate TB, it would not be a problem.
Antwort von newsart:

JMS Prouctions: No, although you need a stream per player and a hardware converter - but five Stremas you can record with a calculator.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

s.ok thanks for the info ...
when capturing with Edius / premiere (dv-storm) does not work that way ...
gruß cj
Antwort von 14866:
14866: You had excluded several top next Calculator to purchase, but for pure VHS conversions would be the most economical option. No, I have not ruled out. At least not consciously.
I have only sought an alternative route, because I meant, or rather hoped, that it is synonymous easier.
Antwort von JMS Productions:

And how will you realize the story now? 5 PCs, 5 ADVCs and 5 VHS recorder pick?
Make sure the recorder, please purchase it (new, you will get no more, no more than you buy the DVD-VHS combo devices), that there is no worn, ausgeleierten devices. This will allow you to a good picture and sound quality forgotten. The best would SVHS devices, as you have for the Picture S-Video stream may use, as compared to composite signal (yellow, white, red Male) with better picture quality brings. It is questionable however, whether du 5 SVHS recorder used in the state and in some operable condition will get.
Because I guess, is the DVD-VHS combo solution probably the best option, because there you can be sure that the DVD drives are new and not used and worn ...
PS: I buy you synonymous after work on a DVD-VHS Combo unit:-D ^ ^
Antwort von killerbees19:
new, you will get no more, no more than you buy the DVD-VHS combo units LG's still what you get, but do not ask me whether what suck: D